Instagram Reels & Algorithm Changes

by Rami Atassi
Principal @ Tune Up

What's going on with Instagram Reels?

For the last few months I've seen dozens of Threads from professional content creators lamenting how the Instagram algorithm has changed.

And it's true that things have changed. In the last year Instagram has changed their Reels algorithm significantly.

What does this mean for business owners using social media in 2024?

First let's talk about the influence of the TikTok algorithm on Instagram.

The overarching goal of every social platform is to maximize time on their app. TikTok developed a recommendation-based algorithm deployed via the FYP (For You Page)—a feed of algorithmically recommended content.

So instead of seeing only videos from accounts you follow, you get a steady stream of new trending videos on your FYP feed, based on the TikTok algorithm. And the FYP does a frighteningly good job of curating what viewers want.

So Meta did what they do best... they started copying this feature and experimenting with it on Instagram. Now we have Instagram Reels: short-form video driven by an algorithmic recommendation.

TikTok FYP vs. Instagram Reels

First, look at the main differentiators between TikTok's FYP and Instagram's Reels.

TikTok FYP

  • Better organic algorithm
  • More fun and engaging
  • Audience skews younger, but it's getting broader every day

Instagram Reels

  • Better paid platform (Meta ads)
  • The videos are fun to watch but the organic algorithm is just OK (TikTok and YT are better)
  • US-based - broader multi-generational appeal

Organic, Paid & Owned Audiences

If you're  creator who wants to reach a wide audience through on-trend organic content, you're probably using both platforms—with more organic success on TikTok.

If you're thinking a like a business and investing in channel growth—you're probably doubling down on Instagram.

Whatever strategy you choose, just make sure that you're not over-indexed on social. Because the problem with social media is that you are renting your audience. Read about building an owned audience.

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